(originally published April 16, 2016)
I sat in the food court and zoned out as my coworkers droned on about “business-related” topics. I found myself hypnotized by the TV screen above one of my colleagues. There were two twin baby pandas on the screen, rolling around in a zoo. Suddenly, one of my coworkers snapped me out of my reverie, but all I could think was “man, those pandas are really cute, but what exactly is their function?!”. Why has there been so much scrutiny placed on “Saving the Pandas”. Realistically, so many “uglier” creatures, essential to their respective food chains, have become extinct, quietly and ever so underwhelmingly, disappearing from our not so active radar. I could make this theory truly scientific, but then I think…NAW!
Anyway, it was from this one tangent, out of the many tangents that exist in my mind, that I termed what I observed as, “The Panda Theory”. Think about it, just for a minute. Why is it that the better looking animals, automatically become obvious contenders for being saved. I mean, WWF’s (World Wildlife Fund) logo is a panda. Coincidence? I think not! A logo is an opportunity to resonate, visually, with the public using something memorable and impactful and I suppose…Cute? It works though, it really does work! I knew there was more to the theory, if I just let my tangent have more tangents of its own…et Voila! The Panda Theory is in fact versatile in it’s application and can be used in various environments (said no one ever) and I remain optimistic.
Theory application #1: The Professional Workplace
In a professional setting, for example, the amount of LinkedIn articles I have read, that have been titled “Keys to Success: Being smart isn’t enough, be handsome instead” or my personal favourite, “If your dream company could swipe right on you, would they?!”. Okay, I admit, I haven’t come across these article titles exactly, but I have definitely seen versions of these. All of which emphasize the importance of being aesthetically pleasing to the eye, in the workplace, for maximum success.
Theory application #2: The Dating Game
I’m not even wasting my time writing about this *sighs of relief, in unison*.
Theory application #3: Celebrities involvement in International Development
Have you noticed more and more speeches for the UN or other Development Aid initiatives spearheaded by celebrity ambassadors? I know, I get it, it’s not a groundbreaking observation, but seriously, what’s the deal with that? THE PANDA THEORY, of course! I feel like such a conspiracy theorist, but by you reading this and agreeing with any of this, you all are conspirators with me…you’re very welcome! Okay, but step back, how are celebrities qualified, credible or have the in-depth knowledge and expertise behind a lot of the international development aid projects they so casually bring to the forefront for social change? Some of them do, hands down, no questions asked, they really care and know what they are talking about, but how about the one’s that don’t? I’m going to just leave you with that.
So, as all theorists, I ask you to apply instances of the Panda Theory in your own life and allow your own tangents to have tangents of their own.
This article was originally posted on April 14, 2016